Sunday, November 21, 2010

How do I thickin African American hair?

have fine African American hair and I can't wash my hair. Is their Anything I can do.I was trying to curl

Y hair under tight but I couldn't with a flat iron because my hair was getting thinner by using a chi is there. Can I use roller to thickin my hair. Their medium size rollers. I wonder how they would look with rollers. Any tips without using thickining shampoo ectHow do I thickin African American hair?
Is your hair naturally thin or has it been thinned out due to breakage and chemicals like relaxers? If the former then you might be able to take hair vitamins, I heard they can thicken hair strands, I don't think permanently, though. If your hair is unnaturally thinning then I suggest you either stop relaxing or stop using so much heat (flat irons).

No, rollers will not thicken your hair strands. You can tease your hair and it might *look* thicker.

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