Friday, November 19, 2010

How to flatten super curly afro-ish hair?

My hair is very ringlety curly with afroish volume (not quite an afro but cutting it kinda close.) I have tried everything to get it flat, smoothing serums, crunching gel, flat ironing just the top and a little on the bottom, curling curly hair with an iron, hairsprays; everything. I desperately need a product that makes very voluminous, kinda thick super curly hair flat. Not something made to define curls, not something that is made to straighten hair, just a product made to get curls flat. I'm desperate, i've tried almost everything. If you know of anything that will do the job, please post!

also if you know of a product that loosens curls into waves really well, please post that too.How to flatten super curly afro-ish hair?
Go to a Dominican hair salon, they will help you get your hair flat by using a round brush technique.

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