Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How do you curl hair with Straighteners?

I try to curl my hair with them, i know your supposed to have flat irons (i think i have them lol) I have curlers but it takes ages to do my hair with them can someone tell me please!!How do you curl hair with Straighteners?
aha. one thing i do know. ;)

all you do is you close the straigtners at the end of your hair and curl it upwards for about 10 seconds.How do you curl hair with Straighteners?
Yes just twist your straighteners lol
Ehh it's better using curlers.

Straightners are just a cheaper version in you can't afford both.
ok...if you have a good straighter you can use it as a curling device...just depends...its a little difficult...i have a paul mitchell iron and use it for curling..you have to place the hair in the iron all they way to the bottom....then as you twist the iron you keep feeding it more hair as you twist it...it takes practice but you will get it!!!
http://www.wikihow.com/Curl-Hair-with-St鈥?/a> this may help

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